The Detective Division, otherwise known as the Major Crime Unit (MCU), is charged with the responsibility of reviewing all incident reports and activities in order to prioritize and investigate criminal activity. Detectives work cases that are either assigned to them or come to them while on duty or on-call. They also initiate case investigations.​

The Detective Division also conducts any and all police recruit, dispatcher and police employee employment background investigations. The Division also assists the Middle Township Business Administrator and Township staff in conducting any and all needed internal Township wide investigations.

The unit handles a multitude of investigations from Aggravated Assaults, Sexual Offenses and Missing Person cases, to robberies, homicides and fatal motor vehicle crashes. It also conducts all background checks for those seeking Firearm ID cards and/or handgun permits. Also, all evidence collected or property turned into the department is handled by the Detective Division. The department employees two part time evidence clerks to assist with this function.​

Members of the unit:

Detective Sergeant Thomas Ritterhoff

Detective First Class Thomas Flounders

Detective Gregory Dececco

Detective Thomas Reynolds

Detective Jenna Cuomo

Detective Joseph Trombetta

Evidence Clerk Jennifer Graham

​Part Time Evidence Clerk William Adams